Stars just seem to love sharing exclusives on their social media outlets, from Vin Diesel’s earlier artwork revelation to yesterday’s Resident Evil tidbits from Milla Jovovich. Now, via Vin Diesel’s Facebook page, the actor has let loose a “key frame” of concept art and more details about the state of production, including mention of a 2012 release date.

Concept art and Key frames allow a production to explore possibilities before actually committing to film. The road to the “R” rating, that so many of you were vocal about, has been a long one. The advantage however, (never empower the negatives) was that we were allowed a really extensive preproduction process. The art work is so good, the artists have really outdone themselves in illustrating this world at it’s early stage.
When this film comes to the screen… know that you willed it into being!
I got two meetings today that I have been prepping for… one with the Director and another one with the head of the studio to discuss casting and the 2012 release date. Like always, I appreciate having your voice present in these meetings.
P.s. Share your thoughts… casting, release date, mythology or anything else. It’s Sunday and we are, at the very least, allowed to be creative in thought.
The art below is provocatively titled The Final Stand of Riddick, and you can click to enlarge it:
Can we just say that we love this man and his willingness to share his enthusiasm for the series with the general public? Mr. Diesel: you rock.