ComingSoon.Net has been busy on the Immortals junket, asking questions of its star and producer on the future of their other comic book projects.
Sin City 2 has long been under rumoured development, with the original Sin City film only covering part of Frank Miller’s sprawling pulp noir comic book saga. Speaking with Mickey Rourke, ComingSoon asked the actor about the rumblings of his character of Marv returning for the sequel. “It depends,” he is said to have stated. “It depends on how bad they want me. You feel me?”
“I did [like the character],” ComingSoon quotes him as saying, “but I’m claustrophobic, so the the hours of makeup — You have to keep it on for about 13 or 14 hours a day. It’s latex and glue and that stuff that gets my eyes all red…”
From the creepy to the freaky, Immortals producers Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari also spoke with the same website about the quasi-sequel to 300 called 300: Battle of Artemisia, based loosely on the graphic novel Xerxes by Miller. They note that it is now a “work in progress” and that Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad, his writing partner, have “done a tremendous job making a highly intelligent, epic story that will stand on its own. But it’s not a conventional sequel and, for what we do, that’s what you hope and pray for. That you can be original and authentic at the same time.”
Speaking with Collider back in January, Miller said of Xerxes: