Podcast: Film Actually News – 20-05-2012

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Film Actually News LogoHosts: David McVay, Josh Philpott & Richard Gray

Welcome to the brand new Film Actually News for May 20th, 2012. This week: The Rock heads for DC Comics, Ryan Reynolds might be the Highlander, Nicolas Cage and Mickey Rourke go toe to toe, The Incredible Hulk still coming to TV, Aaron Sorkin will adapt Steve Jobs biopic, and Hampton Fancher writes the Blade Runner sequel for Ridley Scott, all this and much, much more!

What used to be a boring, stuffy film section of the Film Actually podcast has been spun off into it’s own, we hope, more entertaining show. We don’t make the news, we just have fun with it. Film Actually News – Loud, Fast and Under Thirty Minutes… or your money back.

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This show carries an explicit tag due to coarse language.

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In case you want the full stories, your show links follow:

Fan of Abduction? Taylor Lautner is an action star again in Tracers.

There can be only…Ryan? Reynolds to take the lead in Highlander reboot?

Dwayne The Rock Johnson and DC Comics

Joss Whedon wants more females in a sequel to The Avengers.

Contagion screenwriter tapped for Rise of the Planet of the Apes sequel

Cage and Rourke in Marble City

In Guillermo del Toro news, The Incredible Hulk still coming to TV

Screenwriter confirms character in Tintin sequel

Aaron Sorkin will adapt Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biopic!
and Woz will consult.

Jon Favreau “very involved” in Iron Man 3

Peter Berg wanted to add Star Wars and grit to his Dune

Blade Runner sequel happening and Hampton Fancher is on-board as writer!

Duncan Jones directing Ian Fleming biopic

The Rest…

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Find out more about Josh’s other stuff by visiting HipHopNetOnline.com or listen to his other show “DLC Live” go to RawDLC.com or follow him on Twitter @DoGM3At

Find more by Richard Gray by visiting theReelBits.com or follow him on Twitter @DVDbits

Shameless Plug Time – Make sure you check out our new comic book podcast “Behind the Panels” hosted by David McVay & Richard Gray. Every week we bring you news from the world of comic books and comic book related movies and TV. We also go into deep analysis on our favourite comic books in our Book Club style Comic Pick of the Week. Find it here on Geek Actually or subscribe for free on iTunes. Also like the Facebook page here.