The greatest news of the week is here, and we don’t care it if it is a television show. EW reports that CW is ready to go back into the DC Comics superhero world, following the end of Smallville last year. The source reports that the network “edging close to a pilot order for a new series starring the Green Arrow”.
Created in 1941 for a DC Comics’ More Fun Comics #73, the emerald archer essentially provided readers with an archery-themed alternative to the already popular Batman. Indeed, Green Arrow (aka Oliver Queen) was also a billionaire playboy, although his origin story saw him take on a Robin Hood mantle after being stranded on a desert island and forced to survive by learning mad archery skills.
During the first quarter-century of the character’s life, he largely appeared in countless back-up stories with a series of gimmicky trick arrows such as the boxing-glove arrow, tear-gas or even a Kryptonite arrow. Yet the times they were a-changin’, and by the 1960s he had become an outspoken left-wing voice, complete with goatee, a new costume and an argumentative attitude to match. Today, he has a popular ongoing series that has seen heavyweights Mike Grell, filmmaker Kevin Smith, novelist Brad Meltzer, JT Krul and Judd Winick all take turns at writing the always interesting archer.
Portrayed by Justin Hartley, Green Arrow became a popular character on Smallville after being introduced in the show’s sixth season in 2006, and appeared in over 70 episodes. While Hartley is reportedly not involved in the pilot, perhaps burned by his experiences with the ill-fated Aquaman series which never saw the light of day after a pilot.
EW reports that:

Similarly, Wonder Woman had a pilot ordered, but was kiboshed before it reached our screens.
Long-term readers and listeners to our Behind the Panels will know we have a slight fondness for the character, and this news thrills us no end. Stay tuned.