The D23 Disney Animation panel, held today on 14 July 2017, revealed the first details of an upcoming film tentatively titled SPACE. It is due for release in the 12 April 2019, a date that Disneytoon Studios had already pegged for an untitled film.
The footage shown to the audience was described (by SuperHeroHype who provided the image above) as showing photo-real wreckage of an old plane in the desert, followed by several racing jets, shooting off through the atmosphere.
While the footage was described as ‘photo real,’ the jets were said to open their eyes, indicating that this is part of the same universe that the Cars and Planes films took place it.
The title SPACE appeared on screen, but it was quickly modified with “this SPACE will be filled with a title when we think of one.” Animation head John Lassetter had already indicated that there would be several clips shown that were so new, none of them had titles yet.
We’ll be following this one as it develops.