Ethan Peck is Spock in ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 2

Ethan Peck is Spock

Everyone’s favourite Vulcan will be turning up in the second season of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. The official Star Trek site and CBS All Access announced that the iconic role will be taken on by Ethan Peck, the grandson of legendary actor Gregory Peck.

The character has been mentioned several times in the first season of the show. The foster brother of series lead Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Burnham’s struggles for acceptance by her father and her peers have some roots in her relationship with the half-human, half-Vulcan legend.

“Through 52 years of television and film, a parallel universe and a mirror universe, Mr. Spock remains the only member of the original bridge crew to span every era of Star Trek,” Discovery executive producer Alex Kurtzman said in a statement. “The great Leonard Nimoy, then the brilliant Zachary Quinto, brought incomparable humanity to a character forever torn between logic and emotion. We searched for months for an actor who would, like them, bring his own interpretation to the role. An actor who would, like them, effortlessly embody Spock’s greatest qualities, beyond obvious logic: empathy, intuition, compassion, confusion, and yearning. Ethan Peck walked into the room inhabiting all of these qualities…”

Peck’s previous credits include Passport to Paris, That ’70s Show, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, 10 Things I Hate About You, In Time, Madam Secretary and The Curse of Sleeping Beauty. He was also in an Australian film called Mine Games a number of years ago, but the less said about that the better.

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY is expected to return in early 2019.